Last Saturday the annual produce show was held in our local village hall.  Our family entered several exhibits from photos, baking cakes and handicrafts.There were a lot of entries this year and some quite stiff competition but I was lucky enough to win a share in a trophy for jointly receiving the most points in the handicraft section. I was shocked when my name was called out, as I have never won a trophy before!


I entered a scrapbooking page, a greeting card, and two plaques
My daughter Leanne entered several items in the baking section including plum bread, lemon drizzle cake, victoria sandwich, scones and decorated cup cakes. She did really well and won one third and 2 second prizes.

Here is the picture of her lemon drizzle cake

We brought all the cakes home with us but they didn’t last very long as they tasted so good.
Some people were lucky enough to enjoy a slice at my class the following day.

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