It was a proud moment last week, when our youngest daughter Leanne graduated with a degree in Criminology. 
This is the second Graduation this year and that means both our daughters have surpassed our educational expectations and are starting to venture out into the world of being young professionals. Louise started her first full time teaching job in September and Leanne has just been offered a Support Officer role working for NHS plus. Both occupations that they aspired to…
Well done and Best Wishes in your new roles/Careers.

Leanne’s graduation was at the  University Centre Grimsby complex (Nunn’s corner) and I have to say we were impressed by the decor and arrangements that
had been put in place and believe it or not the ceremony was only
45mins…..which was great… The professional photographs will be about 6 weeks away, so here is a preview of some taken with Paul’s camera…

We then had the usual professional photographs and champagne reception.

As you would expect, this gave me another opportunity to make another Graduation card and as normal, I choose the wise old owl, as a basis for the theme…

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