I have some great news for you this morning, The Big Shot Magnetic platform is now available to purchase from today. It was so popular that Stampin Up sold 13 weeks worth of stock in 3 weeks and had to remove
it from the system. A full shipment of the magnetic platforms have now arrived

The magnetic platform replaces your normal multi platform
when you are using the wafer thin dies like the Framelits and Edgelits. It has
magnets within the platform that hold the framelits in place where you want them so there is
no need for post it notes to
secure your items before rolling it through the Big Shot 

The Magnetic Platform is the first thing I ordered from the new catalogue, it is an essential addition to your Big Shot collection. 
Makes using the framelits and edgelits hassle free and mistakes almost impossible.

Contact me to buy now whilst stocks last.

The cost is £35.95. Item Code – 130658

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