Due to demand and availability I am now putting on an extra date for the Catalogue Launch.
The two dates are:-
Saturday 29th June 12pm – 3pm (please note change of time)
Sunday 7th July 1pm – 4pm
You can stay the whole afternoon or just pop in for a few minutes. There will be demonstrations, FREE make and takes and a table of retired Stampin Up products on SALE
I am charging £8 per person which includes a FREE copy of the New annual catalogue, a goodie bag, prize draw and light refreshments
Booking is essential to ensure availability of goodie bags and make and takes.
If you are interested or have a friend who would like to come along and have a fun afternoon making some cards and using some of the New fantastic products please contact me on:
07793293599 or email: lgilbert66@gmail.com
I have also produced this flyer with details of the launch day and information on my card making classes. I would be grateful to anyone who has a workplace or a notice board who would be willing to display it. Could you please contact me and I will arrange for you to have a copy, many thanks